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Zachary Scholz  Berkeley, CA

* All images used with permission. Please do not distribute without first contacting the artist.

About Zachary

Working collaboratively with my materials, I manipulate objects and situations, shifting their contingent boundaries. I work loosely within operative logics, pushing them into unexpected iterations. I disrupt and remake in order to reveal the shifting flow beneath statically inscribed meaning’the space of becoming where we form objects and objects form us.

As I work, I listen for unexpected possibilities and look for resonant intersections. My best results are always surprises’appearing unbidden out of the deadening accumulation of known operations toward foreseeable ends. Patience is some of it, a little is luck, but mostly it is being able to remain receptive and un-judging.

The “meaning” of my works does not lie discreetly within their physical boundaries. Rather, it is spread across the constellation of relationships they engage, the threads connecting them, and the flows of force that each reveals like a stick in a stream. Each work adds to every other and to the web of understanding draped between them: act-to-act, idea-to-idea.

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10 of 15 reactions displayed

"This work does nothin for me looking on my PC but suspect would be better in the flesh."

"Check out this guys website, His use of materials is really brilliant. Super Smart."

"I realy liked the peice. It incorperated many elements of what would be typical trash and combined them into a spiral of human creation and substance. The fact that the backbone elements were trash enhances the irony in its beauty. Many props to the artist."

"Is that unrolled wrapping paper tubing in a wooden magazine rack or upside down Sawhorse? No critic here, just wondering..very neat reguardless."

"This is a four legged stool turned upside down and filled with paper towel tubes that were striped along their seams.Sorry this is not art but recycling material. One would have to be simple to appreciate this simplistic artist."

"What is wrong with everyone who is criticising this as photography. I have seen this with other sculpture on artistaday. It drives me crazy! Oh yeah, the sculture in this instance is alright, it doesn't really interact with me in the way that I like sculpture to."

"I love the simplicity and I think the background suits the pictures well."

"This is really intresting... I've never seen anything like it... I LIKE IT. Keep up the good work!!!"

"It's nice to see steal sculpture on artaday. I would like a clue on the scale of the work. It makes a diference in reading a sculpture."

"Its a nice piece of art. Warm feeling....causes you to stare in order to get it I suppose"

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