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Sayaka Ganz  Fort Wayne, IN

Reclaimed objects
'Fogo II'
Reclaimed objects

* All images used with permission. Please do not distribute without first contacting the artist.

About Sayaka

Sayaka Ganz was born in Yokohama and identifies a strong Japanese influence in her work, even though she grew up in several different countries. During her BFA studies at Indiana University Bloomington she explored various media, from ceramics to printmaking, before determining sculpture and welding as her expressive vehicles of choice.

She explains her work by saying, “I grew up with Shinto animist belief that all things in the world have spirits. Thus, when I see discarded items on the street or thrift store shelves, I feel a deep sadness for them and I am moved to make these abandoned objects happy. My sympathy goes out equally to all discarded objects regardless of materials, but my current working material of choice is plastic. I use mostly common household items to create animal forms with a sense of movement and self-awareness. I use plastics because of the variety of curvilinear forms and colors available. I manipulate and assemble them together as brush strokes to create an effect similar to a Van Gogh painting in three dimensions. One of the important tasks for artists of our time is to bring more of the natural world back into people’s lives, especially in urban areas. When we encounter the true wonders of nature, the beauty we behold transcends our intellects and reaches directly to our hearts. I desire a similar response from viewers of my work; to provoke a re-examination of our relationship to the natural world.”

Quick facts about Sayaka

Sayaka's sculptures will be traveling across the US through 2022 at Museums and Arboretums.
Her studio contains more than 60 bins of plastic she has collected to use in her works.
You might think these works are strong statement against the use of plastics, however Sayaka says "I do not want to condemn the use of plastic or our desire for a more convenient, easier life. However, we must be aware that convenience has hidden costs."

Recommended by our guest curators

Christy Lee Rogers

Los Angeles, CA Artist

"Sayaka Ganz has an incredible gift, being able to convey life and movement. I love the Japanese influence as well, it’s almost as if she physically manifests Sumi brushstrokes. Such skill and beauty are energizing and uplifting to the soul."

David Kassan

Brooklyn, NY artist

"I love these sculptures, talk about upcycling, They remind me a little of the horses of Deborah Butterfield, except more expressive. I love the movement and how they explode out of the walls! Really unique work!"

Sayaka appears in the following Top 10 lists


'Horse Power'




10 of 238 reactions displayed

"I just signed up for artist a day today, and it's so amazing to see someone from my home town and my alma mater ranked in the top three! Congratulations! I hope to see this mesmerizing work in person one day."

"Fabulous movement articulated!"

"very very nice,"

"Es fabuloso el trabajo modelado empleando diversidad de accesorios, una buena alternativa hoy en día."

"ingenuosita e apertura mentale!!!"

"It,s very GOOD !!!"

"it,s very great.i like know what kind of material used."

"its good but I don't like the materials she used. I wish she had used a softer medium"

"I think her artwork is amazing, I am amazed by her skill and vision."

"I love your work... but it's been in the number 1 slot for over a year now... surely you must have an election team as good as Obama's with an army of voters to keep the images in that location for so long."

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