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Joel Daniel Phillips  San Francisco, CA

'Robert in a Chair'
Charcoal and graphite on paper
'Henry with a Structure'
Charcoal and graphite on paper

* All images used with permission. Please do not distribute without first contacting the artist.

About Joel Daniel

Joel Daniel Phillips lives and works in San Francisco, CA. His artwork ranges from classical draftsmanship to digital media. Inspired by the depth and breadth of human experience, Phillips strives to tell the stories etched in the faces of those around him.

Joel describes his work by saying, “Through larger than life-sized renderings of individuals from my street corner, “No Regrets in Life” examines the people I encounter on a regular basis. Overlooked and unidentified, the renderings are an attempt to play with our voyeuristic tendencies toward the indigence surrounding us, hiding in plain sight. In these portraits, the subjects cease to be dark matter in our communal space and instead are revealed to be the main characters in their own narrative.”

Recommended by our guest curators

Ken Harman

Owner, Spoke Art Gallery

"Joel too is a newer artist to the Spoke Art roster. We debuted him earlier this year at the SF Art Fairs and the response was overwhelming! His works are all life size and in person they tower over the viewer for a very impactful and moving experience."

Derek Gores

Melbourne, FL artist

"I got to spend a few days getting to know Joel personally. His life size portraits are gorgeous and gentle observations honoring everyday special human beings."

Joel Daniel appears in the following Top 10 lists


'Penciled In'




4 reactions displayed

"You are blessed. thank you for your gift and how you are using it!"


"Wow! What a gifted, talented artist."

"I like this"

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