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Aleix Fernandez  Barcelona, Spain

1 dot = 1 Tweet using the hashtag #Tears. Projection on adhoc surface
1 dot = 1 Tweet using the hashtag #Death . Projection on adhoc surface

* All images used with permission. Please do not distribute without first contacting the artist.

About Aleix

Aleix Fernandez Curell is the founder and creative director of the audiovisual production studio Onionlab since 2005.

His line of work is at the juncture of art, design and technology. His recent works include mapping series “Evolució”, premiered at the Geneva Mapping Festival and best piece by the public at the Signal Prague Festival; “Towards Biology” for Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura exhibited at the 2014 Venice Biennale, and the audiovisual content to the Spain Pavilion at the Wold Expo 2012 in Yeosu.

The series #WordsOfData by Aleix generates serene and repetitive audiovisual structures that are something of an audiovisual mantra, using thousands of Twitter messages as raw material. In #WordsOfData, each piece is composed of thousands of tweets.

Quick facts about Aleix

Aleix is the founder and creative director of the audiovisual production studio Onionlab.
Online data, from Twitter to be exact, is the main raw material in #WordsOfData.

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1 reaction displayed

"mesmerizing, confusing"

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