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Bryce Lafferty  Jacksonville, AL

Watercolor and gouache
Watercolor and gouache

* All images used with permission. Please do not distribute without first contacting the artist.

About Bryce

Bryce Lafferty is an artist and educator based in Jacksonville, Alabama. He earned a BA in painting from Central Connecticut State University and an MFA in Studio Art from the University of North Texas.

Bryce explains the work by saying, “My landscape drawings emerge as poetic expressions of my wonderment for the natural world. They are almost always based on actual places that I’ve visited and are the result of an internal process that involves meshing together memories with categorical knowledge, like science, philosophy, or history. I often use recurring motifs, such as cross sections and concentric patterning in my work. Cutaways provide a way to open up my landscapes and help tell the story of their inner workings. I integrate concentric patterns with natural elements, like folding rock and tree rings. These abstractions stand in for my more emotive and inarticulable responses to nature. “

Quick facts about Bryce

Bryce is an Associate Professor of Drawing and Painting at Jacksonville State University.

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