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Ofra Lapid  Tel Aviv, Israel

* All images used with permission. Please do not distribute without first contacting the artist.

About Ofra

Ofra Lapid was born in 1982 and received a BA in art education from Ha’midrasha School of Art in Tel-Aviv.

Her series Broken Houses was shot in her studio in Tel-Aviv, but is based on photographs by an amateur photographer in North Dakota whose images depict abandoned buildings, destroyed by weather and neglected.

Lapin uses his photographs to construct small-scale models of the decayed buildings, which she then photographs against a solid gray background.

Her work has been exhibited locally.

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'House And Home'



10 of 11 reactions displayed

"Your approach is thought-provoking, your choice of subject matter is valid and appropriate. I would like to know if you have ever considered applying your treatment to other, less desolate and moody subjects."

"I'm sorry but this is not a favorite. I am weary of the destruction of the world and of all forms upon it. I also have looked upon dilapidated and abandoned old homes and wondered about the stories that the walls could tell. The absence of the natural habitat is irritating to me. Don't fret, it is just one opinion. The best thing is that you are working at what you love. And I love that you are creating!"

"This is an amazing piece of artwork...very unique in showing a destroyed house rather than the picture of beatitude."

"Beautiful and sad. In New Orleans, and Haiti, and Japan, there are more houses like this than not. Can we fix it?"

"When I was a kid, I used to see houses like that and a deep feeling of sadness would come over me. I would think about the families who once lived there, the laughter and crying, births and deaths that must have taken place there. I would try to imagine what the houses felt when no one was there to take care of them anymore. Sometime I still feel a little pang when I pass one of these unfortunate structures. This picture had the same effect on me. It is tragic, yet somehow wonderfully beautiful. Thank you for sharing this!"

"With a little help from my friends;the clubhouse, the goal posts, the gymnasium, the schoolhouse, church and the burial. Very good art! It would be a welcome anywhere"

"I am not too sure about this. Is it art or is it craftsmanship? Very clever indeed and I do enjoy it, but it doesn't "tickle" me."

"Unique and original."

"Wow...There is an abandoned house right down the road from where I live that looks identical!! The only difference is the hole in the front is on the left rather than the right."

"Very original. I like it!"

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