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Andy Denzler  Zurich, Switzerland

'Lubiel I'
Oil on canvas
'Black Water II'
Oil on canvas

* All images used with permission. Please do not distribute without first contacting the artist.

About Andy

Andy Denzler was born in Zurich. He works in oil paint creating snapshots of events that take place, blurred, distorted movements, His Freeze Frames series moves stylistically between Photorealism and Abstract Expressionism. Denzler frequently alludes to other media. Titles and subject matter refer to films, as for instance in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest or Viktoria in The Birds.

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Andreas Englund

Stockholm, SE artist

"The way he executes his portraits, like an old video still frame, I have never seen before. By doing so he automatically brings multiple layers to his motifs. It shows how memories are distorted trough time. I really love when something ordinary is transformed to something unique just by putting it in a new context. Thank you Andy for showing me an example of this with your inspirational and beautiful art."

Liz Devlin

founder of FLUX. Boston

"I really love to see the emergence of glitch paintings and other forms of “post-internet art” that are physical expressions of digital media, it’s such a burgeoning area of exploration. Andy’s paintings seem to speak to the impermanence of memories and their inevitable erosion. The ruptured images capture a moment in time, yet the abstracted interference implies a sense of transience that makes the work feel infinite."

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10 of 31 reactions displayed

"i lo lo lo lo loooooooooooooooveeeeee it!"

"wow.......... nice water"

"The streaking effect is very cool, but it creates the illusion that you're looking out of a car window on a rainy day. Which would be perfect if what you're observing through the glass is a scene that you might see looking through the glass of a car. It appears that these period subjects exist in a time before cars. Then again, it's art so anything goes, just saying it's a juxtaposition of things that don't go together and tough for my brain to digest."

"I like the 'seeing but not seeing'. As Dexter Dalwood might say, there's rather a high (Gerhard) Richter factor here."

"Its Just different enough to pull the eyes , which is just what the artist wants"

"Would have loved it much better if it didn't remind me of having motion sickness.... nice mix of still and motion though."

"I can't stop looking at these and wondering how he did them. Very striking."

"very interesting... very different.... I like it"

"To make something so beautiful and then proceed to slash and blur it must take some courage or craziness"

"I understand that everyone has their own opinion on EVERYTHING, and that's fine, but saying that someone should try something new, and that someone's style gets old quickly, to me, doesn't really make any sense. As I said, everyone has their own opinion. THAT was YOUR opinion, and THIS is MY opinion. The thing is, in MY opinion, that's like saying Salvador Dali, or H.P. Lovecraft, or H.R. Giger should have changed their style. I mean, what if someone had told H.P. Lovecraft that he should stop making weird creatures, and start painting fuzzy bunnies and cute little kittens and puppy dogs? It's just an example. Again, I know that's just your opinion, and this is just my opinion, but just think about it."

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