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Scott Blake  Omaha, NE

'I Am What I Eat'
32 barcode paintings from the foods I eat at Ulrich Museum Of Art in Wichita, KS
'Barcode Elvis'

* All images used with permission. Please do not distribute without first contacting the artist.

About Scott

“My name is Scott Blake. I am a very frivolous artist and my work has been in fantastic art galleries. The New York Times, FHM, and Adbusters magazine have featured my Bar Code Art, in addition I was interviewed on Tech TV. This website has been reviewed in 13 languages and my work is in private collections throughout the world. I was commissioned to create custom art for the actress Jane Fonda and also by the University of Ottawa in Canada. The creators of Photoshop recognized my artwork at the 2002 Adobe Design Achievement Awards, held in the Guggenheim Museum NYC. I received a B.F.A from the Savannah College of Art and Design. I was born in Tampa, Florida 1976 (I am 30 years old) and I currently live in Omaha, Nebraska.”

Recommended by our guest curators

Kevin Box

Santa Fe, NM artist

"I think Scott has found a voice for himself in work that is funny, serious, thought provoking, interactive and engaging. I think his work promotes a broader audience and uses technology as a medium for art that is unique. I look forward to what he will do in the future and would thoroughly enjoy his entertaining company at a dinner party."

Liz Stinson

Writer, WIRED Design

"At face value, Scott Blake's barcode art is fun to look at, but it's the research and interactivity woven into each piece that makes them really compelling. Each of his portraits is comprised of barcodes that are associated with the portrait subject, which end up telling a fascinating narrative about the person pictured."

Scott appears in the following Top 10 lists

'Eye Contact'



3 reactions displayed

"Could someone please point out the artistic appeal in bar-codes?? I really can't find anything intriguing about it.Other people have been doing things similar to Barcode Elvis since forever, e.g. Chuck Close's finger print painting of his daughter, andI just feel like it's so far away from being original...Maybe I'm just not deep enough to intuit. Anyone care to offer some enlightenment?"

"these are simple pieces of art. i think its adorable use of photoshop merely."

"so clean & clear 100+1% percent wonder"

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